
What animals have to share is crucial to their own emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. To be listened to, heard and understood is just as important to animals as it is to humans. From the work that I have done with animals, I have noticed that most of their discomforts and behavioral problems are the result of something much deeper. Animals have a very sophisticated sense of emotional intelligence. This is why I refer to them as the “elders” on our planet. When we give them a chance to reveal this part of themselves to us, shifts can take place-sometimes miraculous improvements- in not only their behaviors but also their health and well-being. These transformations of old patterns to new ones greatly affect our lives as well- like a ripple of energy running through them and extending through us. This shared energy deepens the bond between us and our animal friends, creating greater love, health, clarity, healing, and acceptance for both the animals and ourselves.

Animals do not use the human form of language, but they do communicate in several different ways. I receive this communication through a process known as telepathy, in which information comes to me through images, flashes of insight, smells, tastes, feelings, and emotions. It happens very quickly. The key is to translate the energy as clearly as possible, discerning between my energy and theirs. Once I have achieved this clarity, an array of information comes through that can be very helpful in assisting our companions in their journeys through life.